Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Pilates just works for me. Everyone has certain types of workouts that are more effective for their bodies than others... pilates is that for me. Sandie and I just started them last week and I feel so... GOOD! Every time I do them, I think why don't I do this more often? So I am making it my goal to do pilates at least twice a week. Hopefully it will shake things up a bit because I seem to have hit a bit of a plateau... which is lame, because at this rate there is no chance of me being at my pre-pregnancy weight by Matthew's birthday! So wish me luck!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Go Ahead and Laugh

I have just accomplished something huge. I can now fit into my old "Fat" clothes! Yay, I feel so skinnier!