Sandie and I did Ab Ripper X yesterday ... I hate it, but I love it! I'm proud to announced we both survived (well, I can really only speak for myself). We must be doing SOMEthing right because I don't hurt today NEARLY as bad as I did the last time I did it (like 3 years ago?)... so we are adding this to our weekly routine. After doing so much ab work, my waist kinda feels skinny today! I'm sure it's just because all the muscles are really tight, but whatever. I FEEL skinner, so I will go ahead and pretend that I AM skinner. Hooray!
Definitely a love hate relationship!!! This was no pansy workout, but very effective! And don't worry, I survied too:) I also liked it because it was so short, but intense. A good workout to either combine with others or if you don't have a lot of time. We were thinking about combining it with some lowerbody pilates workouts that are also fairly short.