A long time ago - when I was at a weight I'd give anything to be at right now - I was trying to lose weight. And I had a thought. I'm always reading and hearing about how you aren't supposed to "diet", you are supposed to make life changes. Anyone can crash diet and lose weight, even a lot of weight. It's keeping it off that is the real challenge. So my thought was... I shouldn't just be focused on losing weight, I need to learn to love my body (regardless of how I feel about it when I look in the mirror). Treat it well. Take care of it.
Easier said than done.
I've always been extremely self conscious about how I look, my weight especially, and that's not something easily overcome. A big part of doing this weight loss challenge between Sandie and I is that I just need that extra nudge to remind myself I need to take care of me. Eating right and exercising is the biggest part of it, but I'm trying to do other small things as well. This is particularly difficult with a 3 year old and a 4 month old... but every little bit helps. Whether it's trying to make sure I'm getting enough sleep (ha! 4 month olds are totally known for letting their moms get sleep), or taking time for something small like a hair treatment or a pedicure. All the moms out there definitely know what it's like to put yourself last on the priority list... so take this challenge and do something for YOU this week!
I'll leave you with this last picture - I think it's completely on par with what I'm trying to convey here. It also reminds me of my Grandmama who is 94... or 95? To this day if you asked her how old she is, she would tell you "sweet 16".
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