Saturday, August 22, 2009

I walked the 5K today and I reached my goal! I thought I could do the race in 1 hr, and I did it in about 49 minutes. I was much more prepared than I thought I would be, so my next goal is to run a 5 K, I haven't come up with a deadline on that one, though. I also didn't want to finish last, and I finished 621 out of 740, and 251 out of 288 for my age group. So, I met my goals, but I definitely have room to improve.


  1. thats awesome! sandie and i are doing the couch to 5k program right now... but we are taking it extra slow because we are out of shape... i would love to actually run a 5k eventually, but i definitely wont be ready for that any time this year... maybe next summer i will run one with you!

  2. Awsome, there will be several 5K's next year out here, but the one I did, the Wasatch Woman Love your Body one will be next August if you want to plan on it, let me know!

  3. Woohoo!! Merry you rock. Congrats on meeting your goal. :D
