Here is a photo I quickly pieced together on my phone... not the best picture ever, but it gives you an idea of the view from the top. It really is pretty up there! (click on the picture to see it a little bigger)
I'm not looking so good here but the view sure is pretty!
Sandie and Buttercup
While we were eating lunch at the top, there was a family sitting a ways behind us and the little boy (maybe 5 yrs old?) kept talking about Violet and how he wants "a black and white dog just like that because it's so CRAZY looking" ... "but mom look how crazy that dog looks!" ... "mom I like that dog because it's so crazy looking!" haha, it was pretty cute. Eventually the mom brought him down and asked if he could pet her. He stopped by about 2 or 3 more times just to say hi and even fed her a few treats. I've said it a million time but Violet has a way with the kids!
And to be fair, she is pretty crazy looking:
Overall it was a great morning, and I felt SO good afterwards! Not nearly as exhausted as when we went last summer. We must be doing something right! And now I know how some people can go hiking for FUN. I used to think that was crazy (I STILL think Aaron is crazy with some of the hikes he does)... but now I see that when you are in good enough shape that you can do the hike without constantly focusing on how bad your asthma is, or how much your legs hurt, or whatever... there is actually some fun to found! In fact I kind can't wait to go again!
I was impressed at how much easier it was this time around! I think it helps that we do a lot of lower body workouts, and I think it has helped a lot with the biking I've been doing this summer too! Although I will admit that my thighs are still sore today....not to mention my sunburned shoulders;)